Turning Points

2577853134_88438a59e4_bThere are times in our lives when we decide we have to do things differently.  These points in our lives mark when we can no longer tolerate the current state of affairs; then, we break from convention.  Last week the people of the United States elected Donald Trump to be its next president. This represents a stark turning point for America. Many voters decided they needed something drastically different and voted for him.

Donald Trump was a candidate who spewed venomous hate and showed unbelievable disrespect for whole groups of people whose only “crime” is being different from him in religion, in race, in gender, in country of origin.  In short, he sees diversity as something to be feared.  During the course of his campaign he spoke his truth, the reality as he sees it, based on his life experiences and the fear that is an overwhelming constant in his world.

His election victory has spread fear to many whose futures are now very uncertain.  Will they be deported?  Will they lose their health insurance coverage? Will they be discriminated against as a course of the law of the land? Will the United States become less united? I shudder as I pose these questions.  These are things that will be determined during Trump’s presidency.  I cannot predict the future or see how this will all play out, but I have faith in the perfection of the universe.

The challenges we face in life are given to us so that we can evolve.  Whether or not we support Trump’s views, we must move on from here with purpose, hope, and love in our hearts to navigate this radical turning point in our lives.  Only then can we emerge on the other side stronger, more united, and with compassionate values intact.

Photo Credit: Tracy Paradis

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