Pawn or King?

5429243232_6f7995cb38_b“If you aim at nothing you will hit it every time.” In the process you’re passion for life evaporates. Being aimless is a sad state that can be brought on by past discouragements, lack of confidence in your abilities, or a general idea that setting and reaching goals is too hard or unattainable.  It sends you plummeting into the doldrums of the status quo.  The good news is that it is reversible.

I found myself simply going through the motions in life after reaching a certain level in my career.  I’d plateaued and found myself underwhelmed, bored with my life in general, and asking myself, “Is this all there is?”  I was counting down the days until Fridays ushered in weekends.

But when my father died and then three years later my mother passed, I witnessed life’s fleeting quality and realized I was wishing my life away, a life that could be gone in any minute.  That was the shift in consciousness I needed to break my habit of accepting the unfulfilling routine I’d fallen into.  I’d become a pawn in someone else’s game of chess.  It was then that I became deliberate and set out to achieve my  dreams and experience the life I’d only ever hoped for before.

What are you experiencing in your life?  Are you thrilled to great a new day or exhausted before it begins?   Are you engaged in all that life has to offer or are you like I was frittering away your days in anticipation of weekends and dreading Mondays (well actually Sunday nights)?

If you want to live a fuller, richer life, a life where running on autopilot is a thing of the past, check out my new book called Growing Bold: How to Overcome Fear, Build Confidence, and Love the Life you Live.  It will walk you through the three catalysts that moved me from blind acceptance of the status quo to purposeful creation of my future. In reading it you will begin to incorporate these behaviors into your own life and renew your passion for it.

Photo Credit: JFXIe

Categories: Motivational

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