
3551548997_1e2bfa4e57_oWho am I not to be successful, world renowned, wealthy, happy and retired young? I’m thinking about this all wrong. Nineteen years until I can retire by the Social Security Administration standards. That’s a long time to be putting up with the bullshit and stupidity I have to deal with at work every day.

I’m talented. I can write well. I’m disciplined. I have ideas for stories and for helping people grow spiritually. People are drawn to me because I’m developing that je ne sais quoi of calmness of manner that they seek. And they think it’s because of the herbal tea I drink!

You wrote earlier that you didn’t believe that God was a cruel God, but you still question why he has put you in a very similar situation to the one you experienced at the job you held four years ago – similar but maybe even worse because this new environment is not as welcoming and now all you crave is connection and warmth. You know deep down that it’s not meant to punish you; it’s to light a fire under you. He doesn’t want you to play small. He wants you to touch others through your writing. He wants you to help others see the light, that light that you sometimes see. It’s true your light, that beacon you see, wavers as you question your life and your trials, but you have seen it, felt it, and in some ways know how to summon it. Your challenge: tighten that light bulb so that the flickering stops and a steady stream of light can be emitted continually for you to feed off of and for others to be inspired by.

You must act now! You must put your fears behind you! You must plan your work and work your plan – God’s plan for you. Then you will have the energy and power to illumine others through your work (books, speaking engagements, blogs, etc.). You have the power. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. You have a vision, don’t lose sight of it and perish. Don’t disappoint yourself or God.


Photo Credit: Hartwig HKD

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