A Letter from God, April 7, 2016

God LetterheadDear Fannie,

You are doing a tremendous job of creating greater self-awareness and lifting and shifting your energy to higher levels. You have been able to do this in large part because of the career you have chosen – from your first job at ARI to this current one and all those in between. You are evolving from each and every experience you’ve had and from each and every decision you’ve made (or will make), even the ones that feel, to you, like mistakes or punishments for not listening to your gut and going with the practical choice, making the logical decision.

There are no mistakes. And, you are not being punished for relying on your logic or the advice your parents gave you. So forgive yourself! Accept your past as perfect because without its trials you would not be who you are. I know this is easier for you to do because you have the benefit of hindsight. And I do see you accepting and knowing the truth of this. So Fannie, with this knowing take the leap and accept your present situation; see the sheer perfection in it as you live it.

Forgive yourself for taking this job. Forgive yourself for still being at this job two and a half years later and truly appreciate all that it has offered you – the salary and benefits, the growth opportunities, the times when you’ve helped people and actually felt your impact on them, and the many other times you’ve made a difference in the lives of your coworkers but didn’t realize or notice. Be grateful for how this path continues to provide exactly what you need at the moment you need it. Come from that absolute place of compassion you are so capable of accessing and use this job as an opportunity to truly be of service to yourself and to your colleagues.

Know that your path, including this job and the current “challenges” it appears to present, is teaching you and making you stronger, setting you up beautifully for your perfectly wonderful future.

I have not forsaken you, Fannie.

With love,


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